Dairy Queen was out of ice cream. That was a tragedy. It was late on Saturday night and I was traveling with a friend and two tired five year olds (yes I am a brave soul). I saw up ahead the promise of culinary redemption...Soft serve ice cream. I love Blizzards, to near addiction status. After a long day at the theme park this would be the perfect snack for the ride home. We walked into the DQ, strolled up the counter and put the money down only to find out they were OUT OF ICE CREAM. How could this be? Isn't it the purpose of the DQ to have ice cream? Isn't that the sole reason they exist? Don't you only bet a hot dog or fries at the DQ as a precursor to ice cream? It was very disappointing.
Sunday morning came and I was speaking to two hundred and fifty youth when it occurred to me that many of our churches are like that DQ. They are missing their essential purpose, connecting people to God. That is why the church exists. It is not to have dinners and fund raisers for worthy causes, though those aren't bad things. It exists to connect people to God. If the Church fails to connect people to God, doesn't it cease to be the church? What if my church, your church, the Church, woke up and realized that essential truth? What difference would that make? Of course it would mean they would have to get serious about 'going deeper.' I remain:
Lost in Grace,
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