Thursday, September 01, 2005

Love is...

Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not puffed up....sound familiar? I Cor. 13 is an awesome insert between chapters 12 and 14 that just kind of halts the flow of the letter and says, now a word from our sponsor...God. This is the kind of life you ought to live, a life of LOVE.

Now I'm not talking about know the mushy, movie fantasy stuff of happily ever after. I'm talking about the stuff you have to struggle with every day. I mean come on, "Love bears ALL things?" WOW...that is a big demand. ALL things is a lot of things. It bears pain, heartache, struggles, hurt, joy, bliss, tears and laughter. That's the life of love we are after, the life of love that bears all things.

I'm glad we have Jesus to show us that stuff because, you know what, otherwise we wouldn't get it. I used to believe in happy ever after. I want to again, but today I believe that Christ shows us what true love is about. "Greater love has no one that to lay down their life for a friend..." Do you have a friend who you would lay down your life for? Do you have one who would lay down their life for you? Now that is a friend worth having! Thanks be to God that I remain:

Lost in Grace,

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