Sunday, December 11, 2005


Worn out on church? Finding vibrant faith beyond the walls of the sanctuary.

George Barna

Here are some key points from a book IÂ’d recommend as a resource for those seeking to understand youngadulty! For more information on George Barna, his research, methods and services visit .

Lost in Grace,

Two Key components of Revolutionaries:

o They have no use for churches that play religious games.

o They pursue intimate relationships with God.

The Seven Passions of Revolutionaries (p. 22)

1. Intimate Worship

2. Faith-Based Conversations

3. Intentional Spiritual Growth

4. Servanthood

5. Resource Investment

6. Spiritual Friendships

7. Family Faith

The Seven Trends Characterizing a Movement (p. 42)

  1. The changing of the guard.
  2. The rise of a new view of life.
  3. Dismissing the irrelevant.
  4. The impact of technology.
  5. Genuine relationships.
  6. Participation in reality.
  7. Finding true meaning: accepting sacrifice and surrender.

Transformation: a significant spiritual breakthrough in which you seize a new perspective or practice related to the seven passions; consequently you are never the same again.

Four Macro-Models of Church Experience (p. 64)

congregationl Model
House churches: some form of ‘simple church
Family faith experience

Jesus' Priorities that guide a Revolutionary (p. 75f)

o Obedience to God

o Love

o Justice

o Peace

o Holy Living

o Integrity

o Generosity

o Spiritual connection

o Spiritual wholeness

o Biblical literacy

o Faith in God

o Blessing people

o Disciple-making

Jesus'’ Character Traits that mold the Revolutionary

o Merciful and grace-giving

o Reconciliatory

o Diligent

o Teachable

o Courageous

o Accepting

o Surrendered

o Repentant

o Humble

o Servant-minded

Five Reactions to the Revolution (p.119f)

1. Ignore it.

2. Fight it.

3. Coexist with it.

4. Late adoption of it.

5. Embrace itÂ…become a revolutionary.

Blending your church and the revolution (p. 137f)

o Learn from the revolutionaries.

o Seek ways in which your church can add value to the Revolution

o Reflect on what it really means to belong to a church—your church.

o Figure out how to create more Revolutionaries among those who are aligned with the Christian faith.

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